vendredi 12 juillet 2013


To start I will introduce myself!
(And attention! my english is very bad !)

I'm Galily, I'm 27, I come from France, next to Geneva.
I started the gyaru style in 2008.
I love rokku and goshikku style, my fav model is Amihamu !

September 21th 2008 I created a gyaru-sa , the first true circle of Switzerland, I named "kitties-squad"
 I was leader of this circle.
We tried to promote the gyaru style in switzerland, which was totally unknown!


And we have succeeded! We organized 2 fashion shows, meeting, meet up ect..  and I even opened a shop, the "kitties-shop" \0/
Harajuku and Shibuya fashion show at polymanga

Kitties Shop fashion show

Meeting international at Tokyo organized by me with ETBeworld 

We were also in the GGA of 2012

Kitties Squad: current most devoted

 Today, in Switzerland, many peoples interested in gyaru fashion.

Unfortunately, "kitties squad"  has stopped in 2012 for some private reasons, and because our members didn't have the time because of their studies.

Nevertheless, this separation is born "Gyarunity" a cir ive since April 2013!

Gyarunity ( and this is a valentine for our circle ! thanks you <3 )

When "kitties squad" has died, I stopped the style for a moment because I could not live without my circle, but since April, since I came back, I feel better in my style, I finally evolved as I wanted after so many years.

With Gyarunity, we also try to promote the style and help newcomers in this style. I'm happy because many come to me for advices, I'm so happy to help newcomers,I am pleased to be more or less active in the community gaijin gyaru!

In october 2012 I organized a fashion show for a swiss exhibition on Japan called DE-TO

and I had a booth for my business kitties shop 

I am also an admin of tumblr

and admin group of facebook : Japanese gyaru&Gaijin gyaru!!!

I try hard to be dedicated to my circle and the community <3

2013 rokku
2009/2010 rokku so bad xD

Me now :

tried kuronba !

And we organized a meet-up for newcomers at Sion ( Swiss )

6 commentaires:

  1. ça fait plaisir de te voir ici maintenant ! =P J'aime bien la tête qu'a ton blog ^^ Et ton anglais n'est pas trop mal xD
    (et j'ai tout lu !!!) xD

  2. whoua t as tu lu \0/ Merci beaucoup !
    Je vais essayer de tenir ce blog comme il faut parce que j abandonne rapidement xD

  3. O la la ! (My french sucks lol) You r so beautiful! <3 *o* I'll follow u ;3 <3

  4. Thank you Sara !
    My english sucks too !
    Thanks to follow me <3

  5. Thank you Candy (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
    I worked hard for this result! I suck to do this kind of thing xD
